什么是行迁移 & 行链接?

#     以下描述来自Oracle 11gR2 Document

1.       行链接

The row is too large to fit into one data block when it is first inserted.
In row chaining, Oracle Database stores the data for the row in a chain of one or more data blocks reserved for the segment. Row chaining most often occurs with large rows. Examples include rows that contain a column of data type LONG or LONG RAW, a VARCHAR2(4000) column in a 2 KB block, or a row with a huge number of columns. Row chaining in these cases is unavoidable.
2.       行迁移
A row that originally fit into one data block is updated so that the overall row length increases, but insufficient free space exists to hold the updated row.

In row migration, Oracle Database moves the entire row to a new data block, assuming the row can fit in a new block. The original row piece of a migrated row contains a pointer or "forwarding address" to the new block containing the migrated row. The rowid of a migrated row does not change.


--创建chained_rows表SQL> @$ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/utlchain.sqlTable created.SQL>--创建测试表EMPLOYEESSQL> CREATE TABLE EMPLOYEES TABLESPACE TEST16K PCTFREE 0 AS SELECT * FROM HR.EMPLOYEES;Table created.SQL> COMMIT;Commit complete.SQL>--分析测试表EMPLOYEESSQL> analyze table employees list chained rows into chained_rows;Table analyzed.SQL>--查询可知当前测试表EMPLOYEES上不存在行迁移SQL> select count(*) from chained_rows where table_name='EMPLOYEES';  COUNT(*)----------         0SQL>--更新测试表EMPLOYEES结构SQL> alter table employees modify FIRST_NAME varchar2(2000);Table altered.SQL> alter table employees modify LAST_NAME varchar2(2000);Table altered.SQL> alter table employees modify EMAIL varchar2(2000);Table altered.SQL> alter table employees modify PHONE_NUMBER varchar2(2000);Table altered.SQL>--更新测试表EMPLOYEESSQL> update employees set FIRST_NAME=LPAD('1',2000,'*'),LAST_NAME=LPAD('1',2000,'*'),EMAIL=LPAD('1',2000,'*'),PHONE_NUMBER=LPAD('1',2000,'*');107 rows updated.SQL> commit;Commit complete.SQL>--分析测试表EMPLOYEESSQL> analyze table employees list chained rows into chained_rows;Table analyzed.SQL>--查询可知已经产生行迁移SQL> select count(*) from chained_rows where table_name='EMPLOYEES';  COUNT(*)----------       106SQL>--行迁移模拟成功,我把这个过程保存为一个脚本reset_employees.sql:CREATE TABLE EMPLOYEES TABLESPACE TEST16K PCTFREE 0 AS SELECT * FROM HR.EMPLOYEES;alter table employees modify FIRST_NAME varchar2(2000);alter table employees modify LAST_NAME varchar2(2000);alter table employees modify EMAIL varchar2(2000);alter table employees modify PHONE_NUMBER varchar2(2000);update employees set FIRST_NAME=LPAD('1',2000,'*'),LAST_NAME=LPAD('1',2000,'*'),EMAIL=LPAD('1',2000,'*'),PHONE_NUMBER=LPAD('1',2000,'*');--之后模拟行迁移直接执行这个脚本就OK了.



--准备脚本Solution1.sqlCREATE TABLE employees_tmp tablespace test16k AS SELECT * FROM employees WHERE ROWID IN (SELECT HEAD_ROWID FROM CHAINED_ROWS WHERE TABLE_NAME = 'EMPLOYEES');DELETE FROM employees WHERE ROWID IN (SELECT HEAD_ROWID FROM CHAINED_ROWS WHERE TABLE_NAME = 'EMPLOYEES');INSERT INTO EMPLOYEES SELECT * FROM EMPLOYEES_TMP;DROP TABLE EMPLOYEES_TMP;DELETE FROM CHAINED_ROWS WHERE TABLE_NAME = 'EMPLOYEES';COMMIT;--执行脚本Solution1.sqlSQL> @Solution1.sqlTable created.106 rows deleted.106 rows created.Table dropped.106 rows deleted.Commit complete.SQL>--分析测试表EMPLOYEESSQL> analyze table employees list chained rows into chained_rows;Table analyzed.SQL>--查询可知行迁移已经消除SQL> select count(*) from chained_rows where table_name='EMPLOYEES';  COUNT(*)----------         0SQL>


--清理测试环境SQL> truncate table chained_rows;Table truncated.SQL> drop table employees;Table dropped.SQL> commit;Commit complete.SQL>--以上清理过程也保存为脚本clear_employees.sql:truncate table chained_rows;drop table employees;commit;--之后的清理工作都会使用这个脚本来进行--模拟行迁移SQL> @reset_employees.sqlTable created.Table altered.Table altered.Table altered.Table altered.107 rows updated.SQL> commit;Commit complete.SQL>--准备脚本Solution2.sqlcreate table employees_tmp tablespace test16k as select * from employees;truncate table employees;insert into employees select * from employees_tmp;drop table employees_tmp;commit;--执行脚本Solution2.sqlSQL> @Solution2.sqlTable created.Table truncated.107 rows created.Table dropped.Commit complete.SQL>--分析测试表EMPLOYEESSQL> analyze table employees list chained rows into chained_rows;Table analyzed.SQL>--查询可知行迁移已经消除SQL> select count(*) from chained_rows where table_name='EMPLOYEES';  COUNT(*)----------         0SQL>


--清理测试环境SQL> @clear_employees.sqlTable truncated.Table dropped.Commit complete.SQL>--模拟行迁移SQL> @reset_employees.sqlTable created.Table altered.Table altered.Table altered.Table altered.107 rows updated.SQL> commit;Commit complete.SQL>--EXP导出测试表EMPLOYEES[oracle@Server ~]$ exp SCOTT tables=employees file=scott_employees.dmpExport: Release - Production on Wed Aug 14 20:03:05 2013Copyright (c) 1982, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates.  All rights reserved.Password:Connected to: Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit ProductionWith the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing optionsExport done in ZHS16GBK character set and AL16UTF16 NCHAR character setAbout to export specified tables via Conventional Path .... . exporting table                      EMPLOYEES        107 rows exportedExport terminated successfully without warnings.[oracle@Server ~]$--删除测试表EMPLOYEESSQL> drop table employees purge;Table dropped.SQL> commit;Commit complete.SQL>--IMP导入测试表EMPLOYEES[oracle@Server ~]$ imp SCOTT tables=employees file=scott_employees.dmpImport: Release - Production on Wed Aug 14 20:05:25 2013Copyright (c) 1982, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates.  All rights reserved.Password:Connected to: Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit ProductionWith the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing optionsExport file created by EXPORT:V11.02.00 via conventional pathimport done in ZHS16GBK character set and AL16UTF16 NCHAR character set. importing SCOTT's objects into SCOTT. importing SCOTT's objects into SCOTT. . importing table                    "EMPLOYEES"        107 rows importedImport terminated successfully without warnings.[oracle@Server ~]$--分析测试表EMPLOYEESSQL> analyze table employees list chained rows into chained_rows;Table analyzed.SQL>--查询可知行迁移已经消除SQL> select count(*) from chained_rows where table_name='EMPLOYEES';  COUNT(*)----------         0SQL>


--清理测试环境SQL> @clear_employees.sqlTable truncated.Table dropped.Commit complete.SQL>--模拟行迁移SQL> @reset_employees.sqlTable created.Table altered.Table altered.Table altered.Table altered.107 rows updated.SQL> commit;Commit complete.SQL>--确认表上没有索引SQL> select table_name,index_name from user_indexes where table_name='EMPLOYEES';no rows selectedSQL>                                                                                                                     --把测试表EMPLOYEES迁移到表空间TBS_16SQL> alter table employees move tablespace tbs_16;Table altered.SQL> commit;Commit complete.SQL>--Moving a table changes the rowids of the rows in the table.--This causes indexes on the table to be marked UNUSABLE, and DML accessing the table using these indexes will receive an ORA-01502 error.--The indexes on the table must be dropped or rebuilt.--Likewise, any statistics for the table become invalid and new statistics should be collected after moving the table.--分析测试表EMPLOYEESSQL> analyze table employees list chained rows into chained_rows;Table analyzed.SQL>--查询可知行迁移已经消除SQL> select count(*) from chained_rows where table_name='EMPLOYEES';  COUNT(*)----------         0SQL>


#      You can eliminate chained rows only by increasing your data block size.
#      It might not be possible to avoid chaining in all situations.

#      Chaining is often unavoidable with tables that have a LONG column or large CHAR or VARCHAR2 columns.

#      除非你有足够大的数据块容纳下记录,否则,行链接是不可避免的.


--测试表EMPLOYEES当前在Block_Size=16K的表空间里SQL> select a.table_name,a.tablespace_name,b.block_size from user_tables a join dba_tablespaces b on a.tablespace_name=b.tablespace_name where a.table_name='EMPLOYEES';TABLE_NAME                     TABLESPACE_NAME                BLOCK_SIZE------------------------------ ------------------------------ ----------EMPLOYEES                      TEST16K                             16384SQL>--分析测试表EMPLOYEESSQL> analyze table employees list chained rows into chained_rows;Table analyzed.SQL>--查询可知当前测试表EMPLOYEES上没有行链接SQL> select count(*) from chained_rows where table_name='EMPLOYEES';  COUNT(*)----------         0SQL>--把测试表EMPLOYEES移动到Block_Size=8K的表空间里SQL> select tablespace_name,block_size from dba_tablespaces where tablespace_name='USERS';TABLESPACE_NAME                BLOCK_SIZE------------------------------ ----------USERS                                8192SQL> alter table employees move tablespace users;Table altered.SQL>--分析测试表EMPLOYEESSQL> analyze table employees list chained rows into chained_rows;Table analyzed.SQL>--查询可知产生了行链接SQL> select count(*) from chained_rows where table_name='EMPLOYEES';  COUNT(*)----------       107SQL>--把测试表EMPLOYEES迁回TEST16K表空间SQL> alter table employees move tablespace test16k;Table altered.SQL>                                 --清空Chained_rows表                                                                                                                         SQL> delete from chained_rows where table_name='EMPLOYEES';107 rows deleted.SQL>--分析测试表EMPLOYEESSQL> analyze table employees list chained rows into chained_rows;Table analyzed.SQL>--查询可知行链接已经被清除SQL> select count(*) from chained_rows where table_name='EMPLOYEES';  COUNT(*)----------         0SQL>